Yasuo Doi\(^1\), T. Ootsubo\(^2\), S. Takita\(^2\), T. Nakagawa\(^2\), M. Kawada\(^2\), Y. Kitamura\(^2\),
S. Matsuura\(^3\), M. Hattori\(^4\), M. Tanaka\(^5\) \(^1\)U. of Tokyo, \(^2\)ISAS, \(^3\)Kwansei U., \(^4\)Tohoku U., \(^5\)Tsukuba U.
"universal" \(\sim 0.1\)pc width of the filaments
\(>70\)% prestellar cores found in filaments
Aquila CMF obs. by Herschel
From \(\sim100\)pc GMCs to \(<0.1\)pc prestellar cores
A giant leap in the spatical scale
From \(>100\)pc GMCs to \(<0.1\)pc prestellar cores
\(>10^3\) difference in spatial scales
Obs. with high spatial resolution & spatially extended emission – "spatial dynamic range"
Advantage of the AKARI All-sky Survey
Filament typical width: \(\sim 0.1\) pc \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(2.5'\) @ 140pc
Filament typical width: \(\sim 0.1\) pc \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(2.5'\) @ 140pc
These methods extract linearly elongated structure by design -- omit detailed structure of ISM.
Filament typical width: \(\sim 0.1\) pc \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(2.5'\) @ 140pc
YSOs: all sources (30/30)
TTSs: significant concentration (p-value=0.004)
\(\leftrightarrow\) 0.1[km/s] random motion over \(1-5\times10^6\) yrs
Filament typical width: \(\sim 0.1\) pc \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(1.7'\) @ 200pc
Filament typical width: \(\sim 0.1\) pc \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(1.7'\) @ 200pc
density-based clustering method
(image from Wikipedia)
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AKARI Taurus
We need SPICA!
Statistical inference on age evolution of star-formation environment "after" the formation of stars.